Driving While Intoxicated – What Is Considered Legally Intoxicated?

Queens Driving While Intoxicated

Driving While Intoxicated – What Is Considered Legally Intoxicated? Vehicle and Traffic Law section 1192 states that a driver is “legally intoxicated” if his blood-alcohol level is .08 or above. This statute does not say anything about being drunk, tipsy or wasted. The bottom line is that two glasses of wine or beer during dinner […]

What is No Fault?

What is No Fault Queens

What is No Fault? Every automobile insurance policy issued in the State of New York contains “personal injury protection” coverage. This “PIP” portion of the policy is commonly referred to as “no-fault” because it provides for payment of medical bills, lost wages and other accident-related expenses no matter who is at fault for the accident. […]

Driving While Intoxicated Without Actually Driving

Driving While Intoxicated Without Actually Driving Queens

Driving While Intoxicated Without Actually Driving Most people are shocked to find out that they can get arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (“DWI”) even though they never actually drive their vehicle. If you are legally intoxicated, get into the driver’s seat of your vehicle and PUT THE KEY IN THE IGNITION, then you run the […]

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